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Indigenous Kinship Collective

Korina Emmerich works as a community organizer in urban Indigenous communities throughout Turtle Island (aka North America).


Indigenous Kinship Collective is a community of Indigenous women, femme, and non-binary people who gather on Lenape land to honor each other and our relatives through art, activism, education, and representation.


We, as matriarchs and knowledge keepers, center our intersectional narratives by practicing accountability with community and self-determination. We uplift intergenerational Indigenous voices and welcome mixed race, non-enrolled, Indigenous femme, non-binary, trans, two-spirit people. 


We denounce colonial power structures of leadership and blood quantum. We are circular and work in harmony with each other. We are defined by those who came before us. 

Slow Factory Foundation

Good for the Earth,
Good for the People.

Emmerich is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for the Slow Factory Foundation.

Slow Factory Foundation is dedicated to improving sustainability literacy in fashion.

Using a holistic, human-centered approach, we bridge science, human rights, technology, fashion & culture to develop products, resources and certifications for industry and consumers alike.



Development Goals

EMME Studio stands with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The world's best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030.
Adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, the SDGs are a call for action by all countries - poor, rich and middle-income - to promote prosperity while protecting the environment. 

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